Speleo2017 – Internationell kongress

Arrangören av 2017 år internationella grottkongress i Sydney bjuder in till tidig registrering till rabatterat pris. Se meddelandet nedan.

Early–discount Registrations Close in Just Over Three Months

The early-discount registration rate ends on 31 January 2017, just over three months away. If you haven’t started planning your travels and investigating flights, now is the time as the busyness of the Christmas and end-of-year season will be with us soon. Full details can be found at www.speleo2017.com and in particular by following the links to Circular 2.

Congress Field Excursions: Early Closing Dates for Two Excursions.

A7.NP Nullarbor Karst and Bunda Cliffs.

This vertical caving expedition to the Bunda Cliffs on the southern coastline of the Nullarbor Plain is by application. Due to the detailed logistics of planning this trip, applications should preferably be made by 1 December 2016. This trip has limited places. All applicants will be assessed to ensure they have suitable vertical skills to join this expedition.
B5.YB Yarrangobilly Caves, New South Wales.

Bookings and payments for this excursion are required by our hosts at Caves House, Yarrangobilly by 15 December 2016. This is a horizontal trip that will suit varying levels of caving skills and interests. Accommodation is in the charming and comfortable restored caves house, an ”old time” building with modern facilities. All meals will be prepared for you. Plenty of options for seeing Australian birds and other wildlife up close. Nice bush tracks for pleasant strolls close to Caves House and a thermal pool to invigorate in at the end of the day. Booking and payment must be made by 15 December.

Full details on these excursions are at: https://www.speleo2017.com

From Cathy Plowman
Speleo2017 Excursions Program Organiser

Sent by Mike Lake

Speleo2017-announce mailing list

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